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Hi Visitor Equipped to...Create Communication From ConflictThis newsletter draws on "Coping With Conflict", a comprehensive article found on my website. It’s February – the month of love! At this time of year, everything you read usually focuses on the romantic, Valentines-themed aspect of relationships. So why am I sending you a newsletter about dealing with conflict?! The truth is, many people make the mistake of thinking that couples in great relationships don’t argue. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth! Very often, couples have great relationships because they disagree with each other occasionally! A total lack of conflict in a relationship can only mean one thing – one (or both) of the people involved is continually giving in to the wishes of the other. This is not healthy, and it doesn’t make for a great relationship – despite what people on the outside may see. Read full article "Coping With Conflict" |
How Can Conflict Be Good For My Relationship?Avoiding conflict in any relationship is unhealthy, and can ultimately be destructive. People are unique. Even couples with many things in common will always have ideas, issues, situations etc. on which they disagree. This is to be expected, and is not a problem in itself. It does become a problem, however, if these differences cannot be discussed, as this usually ends up causing stress for all concerned. When this happens, it creates one of two situations:
How Can I Resolve Conflict In My Relationship?The healthy approach is to address and resolve conflict in a respectful manner. If we want to be assertive - open, clear and honest so others know where they stand with us - we need to be prepared to open up points of disagreement for discussion. If both parties are listening to each other, it can be a valuable and constructive growth experience. The fact that we can cope with disagreement/conflict is far more important to a relationship than not having any disagreement/conflict. Read "Attention on Assertiveness" article on my website Attend my Attention on Assertiveness Course So Conflict Is Actually Good For My Relationship?Conflict in itself is not bad. Knowing how to deal with it is what counts. If we know how to cope with conflict, we will learn to be less fearful of it, and learn to use it to enhance all our relationships. We should view conflict as an opportunity to analyse the situation objectively, assess the needs of all concerned and come up with healthy solutions. Viewed in this way, conflict becomes an opportunity to create stronger relationships, creative solutions and clearer communication. Image by: no lurvin here What's Next? Watch out for my next newsletter where you will be E-Quipped to...Define Disorders - Understanding Mental Illness. Tip! Save these newsletters and accumulate the series on Build Better Relationships. Regards |
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