Friday, 28 January 2011 10:10

Trauma can Derail Your Brain

Article as it appeared in Vroukeur magazine. By Lize Maritz (Translated into English)

Exposure to trauma as a child, such as witnessing your parents ongoing violence towards each other, may have repercussions in your adult life. Most adults, however, do not associate their adult behavioural patterns with their childhood trauma. Understanding this link empowers you to make powerful changes in your life.

Published in Magazines
Friday, 25 June 2010 15:56

My Partner was Raped!

Article as it appeared in the Vrouekeur magazine. By Lize Maritz (Translated into English)

If your partner has been raped, it does not only change her (or his) life, it also changes yours. 

Such a traumatic experience can impose great strain on a relationship, but it is possible to survive it as a couple and in fact come out of it positively. For this to happen, you need to support each other and have the support of family and friends.

Published in Magazines

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